Jill Bauer Logo and Tagline


Jill Bauer Logo and Tagline


Jill Bauer Logo and Tagline


When I started Just Jill, a lot of people reached out to find out what was next for me, and to connect with them on this project or that one. One of the many positives on this journey is the ability to share my 25 years of experience around sales, product development, corporate messaging, live media readiness, social media strategy and more. In this blossoming business I’m working with leading brands and individuals to look at your current state and to realize what might be around the corner.

Do you want to take your communication skills to the next level? Feel confident about presenting both virtually and in front of a crowd? Grow your social media accounts with a focus on engagement? Have your marketing or sales team learn my approach to telling the story to achieve a goal? Looking for a dynamic keynote speaker? Just Ask Jill!

  • On-Air Talent (host, presenter, spokesperson)
  • Media Coaching (on-air, public speaking, e-commerce presentations and strategies)
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Social Media Audits and Workshops
  • Product Development Engagement
  • Sales, Marketing, Communication and Crisis Management Workshops (offered in partnership with Kann Advisory Group)

To connect on any of my consulting, coaching and training services or for more information, fill out the form below or email me at

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Jill Services

When I started Just Jill, a lot of people reached out to find out what was next for me, and to connect with them on this project or that one. One of the many positives on this journey is the ability to share my 25 years of experience around sales, product development, corporate messaging, live media readiness, social media strategy and more. In this blossoming business I’m working with leading brands and individuals to look at your current state and to realize what might be around the corner.

Do you want to take your communication skills to the next level? Feel confident about presenting both virtually and in front of a crowd? Grow your social media accounts with a focus on engagement? Have your marketing or sales team learn my approach to telling the story to achieve a goal? Looking for a dynamic keynote speaker? Just Ask Jill!

  • On-Air Talent (host, presenter, spokesperson)
  • Media Coaching (on-air, public speaking, e-commerce presentations and strategies)
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Social Media Audits and Workshops
  • Product Development Engagement
  • Sales, Marketing, Communication and Crisis Management Workshops (offered in partnership with Kann Advisory Group)

To connect on any of my consulting, coaching and training services or for more information, fill out the form below or email me at

Interested in Collaborating?

7 + 9 =


Jill Services

When I started Just Jill, a lot of people reached out to find out what was next for me, and to connect with them on this project or that one. One of the many positives on this journey is the ability to share my 25 years of experience around sales, product development, corporate messaging, live media readiness, social media strategy and more. In this blossoming business I’m working with leading brands and individuals to look at your current state and to realize what might be around the corner.

Do you want to take your communication skills to the next level? Feel confident about presenting both virtually and in front of a crowd? Grow your social media accounts with a focus on engagement? Have your marketing or sales team learn my approach to telling the story to achieve a goal? Looking for a dynamic keynote speaker? Just Ask Jill!

  • On-Air Talent (host, presenter, spokesperson)
  • Media Coaching (on-air, public speaking, e-commerce presentations and strategies)
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Social Media Audits and Workshops
  • Product Development Engagement
  • Sales, Marketing, Communication and Crisis Management Workshops (offered in partnership with Kann Advisory Group)

To connect on any of my consulting, coaching and training services or for more information, fill out the form below or email me at

Interested in Collaborating?

6 + 9 =

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