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When it comes to household tasks, sorting and organizing socks is one of my least favorite things to do. Not to mention the frustration that comes with losing them in a matter of weeks!

I try my best to keep them in order, but I have yet to nail the perfect sock drawer organization strategy.

I know that I can’t be alone, which is why I want to cover some clever ways to sort through your socks and discuss what you can do with all those single ones laying around.

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Sort Through Your Good and Bad Socks

Before you start the organization process, you have to figure out which socks you actually need. That means getting rid of any socks that you’ve had for over 10 years and donating ones that you rarely or never wear.

Here are a few more tips for figuring out which socks to keep:

  • Remove socks that are stained, pilled or have holes in them.
  • Donate socks that are in good shape but that you don’t use.
  • Keep a variety of socks (fuzzy socks, white socks, black socks, athletic socks, etc.).
  • Set aside socks that don’t have a match.
  • Toss socks that are too stretched out or that fall down when wearing them.

How To Organize Your Sock Drawer

Now that your collection is decluttered, it’s time to organize!

Some people keep their socks in a drawer and others keep them in a basket. But no matter where you keep them, you’ll have to fold them to keep them together and in order.

Folding Tips For Your Socks

Photo credit: Money Crashers

This tip was actually inspired by the queen of organizing herself… Marie Kondo! It’s called the KonMari Method and it’s simple and fast.

First, place one sock directly on top of the other with the heel facing up. Next, visually divide the sock into thirds, fourths, or fifths depending on length, and fold along the imaginary lines you made (like a letter). That’s it!

Just place it in your sock drawer standing up.

Photo credit: Goldie Socks

Traveling or trying to fit socks into a small space? This trick, called the square method, is for you.

Begin by placing one sock on a flat surface with the heel up and placing the other one on top (in a cross shape). Next, flip the bottom sock’s toe up and over the center of the cross and tuck it in on the other side. Fold over the bottom socks’ cuff so that it lays on top of the middle of the cross. Then, fold over the other sock the same way you did with the first!

The end result should look like the photo above.

Photo credit: Organized 31

Does anyone have a military son or daughter? You might recognize this method. It’s called military style and it will keep your socks in a super-compact little bundle.

Begin by laying both socks on top of one another with the ends lined up. Start rolling them tightly from the toe to the open end of the socks. When you get to the end, open the outer sock and pull it up around the rolled bundle.

Organizing and Cleaning Up Your Drawer

Some people organize their closet by color and others by the type of clothing item. You can use the same methods for your socks.

I find it helpful to put all my cozy pairs in one area and all my sneaker socks in another. I also have those little socks that are great for wearing with flats—they have their own place next to my day-to-day socks.

If you fold your socks so they can stand up straight, you can simply place them in the drawer in their own sections. With that said, I think it’s easiest to keep my socks in one place with help from drawer organizers.

Find the sock organizer HERE.

This nifty Container Store Organizer has 32 compartments that are perfect for all those pairs you have piled up. I like that it collapses and that it’s flexible, meaning you can use it for bigger pairs and smaller pairs.

Find the organizer HERE.

You might see this organizer in a kitchen or desk drawer, but it can also be used in your sock drawer!

It has four smaller compartments toward the front and two longer ones toward the back. If you have delicate socks that you don’t want to fold, you can keep them in the back trays.

Find the drawer organizer HERE.

If you have a large family, you can opt for a separate organizer to keep all your underwear and socks in order.

I found this one at Walmart and love that it has wheels for easy transport. It also has 10 bins—allowing you to dedicate a couple of drawers to each family member.

Neat Ways To Use Your Single Socks

No matter how hard I try, I always seem to lose socks. I’m convinced that the washing machine eats them up or that we have a little elf that takes them from the drawer.

What I’m trying to say is that I have a lot of single socks around my home! But as it turns out, you can actually put those lonesome ones to good use.

Use A Sock To Make A Dog Toy

Photo credit: I Heart Dogs

If you have some long ones, you can treat your pup to a new toy. Simply throw a tennis ball inside the sock and shake the ball to the toe. Tie the ankle of the sock a few times and it’s finished!

No-Sew Scented Sachets

Photo credit: An Exercise in Frugality

The smell of fresh laundry is unbeatable. So, why not take it with you with one of these DIY sachets! Grab some Downy Unstoppables, an old sock, and some string.

Cut the sock in half, fill the “toe” with a few tablespoons of Unstoppables, and tie the top with string.

Easy Pin Cushion

Photo credit: Unfortunately Oh

This trick is for any sewers or quilters out there. With an old sock, scissors, a needle, and some thread, you can make a pin cushion for all your loose needles!

Just cut off the sock above the heel and right below the band at the top. Turn the sock inside out and sew up both ends, leaving a gap to flip the sock inside out.

Next, fill the pocket with the remaining sock pieces and seal it with a couple more stitches.

Reusable Swiffer Pad

Photo credit: Wiki How

The Swiffer Sweeper is a super helpful cleaning tool I keep in my house. With that said, the disposable pads can get a bit pricey. I love this hack for reusable Swiffer pads because they can be washed and reused—saving money in the long run!

Simply slip a fuzzy sock over the base and get to cleaning!

Cozy Mug Koozie

Photo credit: Mommy Potamus

This is such a cute idea if you have some longer socks laying around the house.

Gather a pair of scissors, the sock, and some fabric glue or a needle. Measure your mug and add one inch to your measurement. Then, cut the sock from the top to fit the measurement and turn the sock inside out. Fold down one inch of the cut end and secure the seam by gluing or sewing the end. You can also add cute buttons or ribbons to spruce it up!

Whether you’re looking to declutter, organize or put those single socks to good use, I hope this article sparked some ideas.

From my home to yours,


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