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From a seatbelt to an airbag, your vehicle already has a bunch of different safety measures. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t incorporate additional safety measures of your own.

Now, I don’t always keep my car tidy and clean… and when it’s cluttered, it can be difficult to find what I need. This is especially difficult in the case of an emergency.

But by keeping safety essentials in a specific place, I find that it’s easy to stay organized AND prepared.

To stay safe while on the road, check out some of my car safety finds below.

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Exit Your Car In A Hurry

You know the saying… It is better to be safe than sorry!

And for life and death situations, an accessible escape plan is necessary. As such, I keep my emergency escape tool within my center console.

Find the escape tool HERE.

Mine is bright in color so I can find it quickly and easily. And though it’s small, the escape tool can both break glass and slice the seat belt for a quick exit.

I also like the hammer because it has two sides… allowing me to get out without injury from broken glass!

Glovebox Must-Haves

Alongside the registration, the glove box is an easy place to stash small safety essentials.

Whether you buy one or pack your own, a small first aid kit is a must-have. Just be sure to replace anything that you end up taking out!

Find the charger HERE.

Now that all of us carry around a cell phone, having a portable charger can be a lifesaver. But before putting it in your glove compartment, be sure to charge it and include a cord to charge other devices.

I own the Otterbox one above and not only does it charge 3x faster than most chargers, but it can also provide multiple phones with a full charge. A great option if an emergency does occur.

Find the flashlight HERE.

I also recommend investing in a hand-crank flashlight. That way, you don’t have to worry about a battery dying.

Safety Junk In Your Trunk

I have essentials in the front of my car, but I also like to keep a more comprehensive kit in the trunk.

And to avoid the risk of my car safety essentials getting jumbled with groceries, my son’s sports gear, and packages, I put everything in a duffel bag.

Find the first aid kit HERE.

In addition to including a blanket and jumper cables, it is not a bad idea to keep a first aid kit on hand… because accidents happen!

This first aid kit I found includes 233 emergency essentials.

Stay Visible

When you are on the side of the road, you want to be able to see what you are doing. You also want others to be able to see you.

Find the traffic cones HERE.

The duffel in your trunk should include a collapsible, reflective traffic cone and multiple types of flashlights such as an all-weather flashlight or an emergency light.

Find the magnetic light HERE.

At night, it can be hard to see other vehicles, especially if they don’t have their lights on. That’s why I keep a magnetic light in my car. It easily attaches to the outside to make you more visible.

Additional Car Safety Essentials

Among the most versatile of the duffel bag finds is an emergency thermal blanket and a rain poncho.

Find the thermal blanket HERE.

Whether you need something to stay warm and dry, or you need a cover for a makeshift shelter, these are great “just in case” finds. They also don’t take up a lot of space!

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There are obvious measures you can take to improve your car safety, like having a first aid kit, that you can take to stay safe. However, there are other measures that are easy to overlook.

Having duct tape and a pair of gloves may come in handy. Don’t forget to pack a bottle of water and some snacks for yourself and your furry friends as well!

Whether you drive a car or a truck, I hope you’ll be able to implement some of these safety measures into your own vehicle.

From my car to yours,


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