Whether you’ve been sheltered in place for a week or weeks, chances are you’re looking for some ideas on how to pass the time, keep your kids engaged and maintain your sanity! We’ve really been enjoying digging out game boards and decks of cards each day… it’s a fun way to be together and the time does go by quickly (unless of course you’re losing, then it might make things seem worse! Ha!) If you’re looking for a new distraction or want to be reminded of some of your childhood favorites, I’ve put together a list of games that should keep kids of all ages entertained. This old fashioned way of fun brings the family together, doesn’t cost a lot, and is a nice reminder that family fun doesn’t always have to be the latest app or video game. Enjoy!
Playing a game of cards is in my genes. My grandparents always played, my aunts, uncles, cousins….at my grandparent’s farm in Indiana, the day wasn’t complete without sitting around the table and playing a game of cards. UNO is great for families because it’s good for all ages. Be warned…it can bring out the worst in people when they hold the dreaded WILD +4!!! 🙂 https://go.shopyourlikes.com/pi/97457eb7a361349e8e2ef28953ab2b93fc22f415?afId=697426&afCreativeId=2996
My Dad taught me how to play chess. He always loved to play and he shared that with me. He was an analytical data thinker kind of guy, so a strategic game like chess was right up his alley! My son, Trevor, really likes chess too. I like that we can start a game, walk away for a day or so, and come back to it. It makes your brain think in a different way…probably a good thing, right? https://go.shopyourlikes.com/pi/d63cafc3258678ed62a00ff76bfffb846adf5fd9?afId=697426&afCreativeId=2996
BUNCO is fun because there are few parts, you just roll the dice, and add up your points. I didn’t learn to play this until I moved into my current neighborhood where we’ve played some fierce Bunco games! I also like this for kids, because it helps them with their addition (and they don’t know they’re learning!). https://go.shopyourlikes.com/pi/a185c4511cd4590d1ccf3e772bd9642460b640e2?afId=697426&afCreativeId=2996
Things to do outside
As long as you have a little room outdoors, it’s easy to set up a game of cornhole. Usually seen at tailgates during football season, we love to play during the summer at the beach. This is fun for kids and adults….and if it gets you outside for a change of scenery, it’s worth every penny in my book! https://go.shopyourlikes.com/pi/a3e29ba2bbd050c7797f00ccaaeb654da88bfb46?afId=697426&afCreativeId=2996 We became interested in spike ball after seeing it played by a lot of people at the beach in the summertime. I LOVE this “rookie” version because it makes it easier for players of all ages and abilities to have fun together. Great eye/hand coordination and just fun to play. Another game where you don’t need a lot of room outside and it’s easy to store when you’re finished playing. https://go.shopyourlikes.com/pi/171f006a4662e45447b80b85687e32991cadb1ad?afId=697426&afCreativeId=2996 The kids are cooped up. You’re cooped up. If the weather permits, why not go outside, run around and have a good, old fashioned, water balloon fight? You’ll be laughing, chasing each other, and hopefully forgetting about what’s going on in the big picture, and be able to let loose and have fun. https://go.shopyourlikes.com/pi/16524f5cf374dec22ab3321adbe8d38742425abe?afId=697426&afCreativeId=2996
I hope you found some new games or ideas to try! Do you have a favorite game you’ve rediscovered recently? I know I’m always looking to add to my list, so let me know the games you’re enjoying with your family. We’ll get through this! Stay safe and stay home….and thanks for checking in!