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Key By Amazon In-Garage Delivery Becomes More Tempting Than Ever

If you think about it, the automatic garage door opener could probably qualify as the original smart home device. Who isn’t thankful for pressing that garage door remote button from a car on a freezing night or in a downpour?

Like many other things, upgrades in technology have now taken the garage door opener to a true smart home level which can lead to greater peace of mind, no matter where you are.

Have you ever left your home, only to be a few miles down the road and asked yourself, “did I close the garage door?” Yep. Me too. More times than I’d like to admit!

That’s why I was so excited to install a smart garage opener by LiftMaster.

LiftMaster recently introduced the first-ever garage door opener with a built-in, wide-angle HD camera and 2-way communication. It’s all powered through an app called myQ that allows realtime access and monitoring to the largest access point to your home.

Now when I have those “did we close the garage door” moments, I can simply check the myQ app.

The myQ app gives me real time views into my garage as well as the ability to open or close the door from wherever I am.

Not only can I see if the door is open, but I can close or open the door from wherever I am. I love how easy the app is to use. There’s not much of a learning curve which I appreciate!

You might be wondering why you’d want a camera inside your garage on your garage opener.

If you received an alert on the myQ app that your garage door was opened, wouldn’t you want to SEE who opened it? Imagine the sense of relief to see that your kids arrived home safely as they walked into the garage if you’re not home to greet them. You can even talk to them through the 2 way communication feature through the device and the myQ app.

But what I’m really loving about the LiftMaster Secure view and the myQ app are its integration with Key by Amazon In-Garage Delivery.

If you haven’t tried it, Key by Amazon In-Garage Delivery provides eligible Amazon Prime members with a secure, contactless and convenient place for all of their package deliveries.

That means that as an Amazon Prime member, I can choose Key Delivery at checkout and my package will be delivered into my garage by an Amazon delivery driver.

A perfect solution for ensuring my holiday packages are protected against damage, theft and weather until I’m free to go get them. (You can check to see if you’re eligible HERE).

The myQ app alerts me when I have in-garage deliveries scheduled. It will then alert me when the driver arrives with my packages.

Amazon Delivery drivers receive a 1 time access code through the myQ app for delivery, and I can watch everything in real time through the myQ app thanks to my LiftMaster Secure View garage door opener with an integrated camera. For more information about Key by Amazon In-Garage delivery, click HERE.

Here’s a recent in-garage delivery to my home, as viewed through the myQ app.

For more information about Key by Amazon delivery, click HERE.

I know what you’re thinking…what about access into my home from the garage? Is this really secure?

That’s where the Yale|LiftMaster Smart lock comes in. Just like the garage door opener, it is powered by myQ technology and works with Key by Amazon to automatically lock your entryway door when you receive an in-garage delivery. If you’re like the majority of people I know who keep their garage entryway door unlocked, this provides increased security and peace-of-mind, plus it will go back to the unlock position once the delivery is complete and the garage door is closed.

I’ve used Key by Amazon several times and found it to be really convenient. I like knowing my packages are secure inside of my garage, protected from inclement weather and not at risk of being misplaced.

I can watch the entire delivery on the myQ app on my phone and can even direct where to place the packages through the 2 way communication. The security of activating the entry door lock is an added bonus!

Having a Yale|LiftMaster lock on this door for our family makes things much easier too! Talk about peace of mind. Now I don’t have to worry about the kids keeping track of the keys!

There are so many great features to the myQ smart access system. Click here for more details and to take advantage of some special holiday pricing offers.

And if you give Key by Amazon a try, you’ll get a $30 credit after your first in-garage delivery.

I’ve been thrilled with my experience with this latest technology from LiftMaster and myQ. If you’re wanting to give a great gift to a family for the holidays, I’d put this at the top of my list.

It might be the technology that’s “smart,” but if you gift this, you’ll look pretty smart too. After all, you’re giving the gift of security, peace of mind, convenience and comfort.

Smart, indeed.

From my smart home to yours,


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