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Timing can make all the difference when you’re trying to budget wisely.

Because prices on goods fluctuate throughout the year, but there are certainly times when you’re bound to find certain categories of items listed at a lower ticket price.

Related: 10 Grocery Store Shopping Tips to Save You Money

Take holiday decor, for example. If you can, try to purchase these items 1-2 weeks after the holiday has passed. You’ll be able to score decorative finds for up to 90% off!

And mattresses? Wait for Labor Day, Memorial Day and Presidents Day.

I did a bit of digging and discovered the best times to make purchases on everyday goods and big-ticket items. Take a look!

What to Buy in January

It’s the start of a new year and a bunch of great sales! Here’s what you should shop for in January.

Best Time To Shop
  • Bedding and linens: A lot of people view January as a fresh start and that means fresh new bedding! Look for deals on pillowcases, sheets, duvet covers and more.
  • Fitness equipment and health-related items: With a bunch of individuals making new year’s resolutions, getting in shape is trending! If you’re looking for an exercise bike, new protein powder or a scale, now’s the time to buy.
  • Cruises: I wish I could say I’m in the market for a nice cruise, but that’s not the case right now… but if you’re trying to set sail in the near future, wait until January or February to buy!

What to Shop for in February

Ahh, the month of love. And in addition to Valentine’s Day, there are plenty of deals to love!

Best Time To Shop
  • TVs: Calling all Super Bowl fans! If you’re looking for a TV for the big game. You’re in luck. You’ll see deals on flat screens of all sizes at the beginning of the month.
  • Mattresses: President’s Day lands in February which means there are plenty of mattress deals to go around! Shop big retailers like Walmart and Target, or smaller companies like Casper and Brooklyn Bedding.
  • Jewelry and perfume: Even if you leave shopping until the last minute, you’re sure to find great discounts on these items.
  • Winter clothes: Retailers are clearing their shelves for spring clothing and shoes—meaning they need to get rid of winter inventory… and quickly! Be on the lookout for crazy big deals at your favorite stores.

Deals to Score in March

You won’t see any primary shopping holidays in March, but there are still a few deals you can find throughout the month.

  • Vacuum cleaners: By this time, plenty of people are thinking about how to tackle their spring cleaning to-do list. That’s why you’ll find vacuum cleaners as well as home organization items on sale in March and April.
  • Travel deals: Whether you plan to travel for spring break or summer, the airlines know you’ve got flights on your mind. Check websites like Expedia or Kayak to see deals to specific locations, or check airline websites for exclusive deals.
  • Luggage: Speaking of travel… you can also find some heavily discounted luggage items and travel essentials during the month of March!

What to Buy in April

In many places around the country, the weather is warming up ever so slightly. That means homeowners are ready to get outside to tend to their homes and yards!

Best Time To Shop
  • Gardening and yard essentials: Increase that curb appeal by snagging some discounted gardening tools.
  • Home improvement supplies: Chipped paint? Need new windows? Keep your eyes peeled for items that will help you make upgrades to your home.
  • Cookware sets and small appliances: Graduation is around the corner and gifting for that recent grad is picking up. Find cooking essentials on sale at stores big and small.

What to Shop for in May

In the month of May, we have one of the biggest shopping holidays of the year—Memorial Day Weekend. Around this time, you’ll want to be on the lookout for big-ticket items.

  • Air conditioners: Things are warming up! If you’re in the market for a new air conditioner (central air = 10-15 years, window = 8-10 years), get it before the summer heat hits!
  • Large appliances: A big buy like a fridge or a washing machine isn’t always easy to swallow, but if you have to make the purchase, you’ll find some great discounts during the month of May.
  • Outdoor goods: Enjoy spending time in the great outdoors? Score grills, bicycles, tents, air mattresses and more on sale as people start planning more activities outside.
  • Furniture: Memorial Day sales are pretty expansive these days. Big box stores will be discounting large items like couches and tables, and smaller products like decor and rugs.

What to Buy in June

Following May, June isn’t filled with a bunch of crazy sales. But since summer begins this month, there are still quite a few deals that shouldn’t be passed up.

Best Time To Shop
  • Spring and workout clothing: Spring clothing is on clearance as stores switch things up for summer. Snag great deals online and in-store! You’ll also find discounts on athletic apparel as people gear up for family trips and getting in shape for summer.
  • Gym memberships: Speaking of getting in shape… plenty of gyms offer great summer discounts. Just make sure to do some comparison to ensure you’re getting the best deal possible!
  • Grills and tools: Between Father’s Day and the height of backyard bbq season, you’re sure to find gifts for dads or for the grillmaster in your life.

Deals to Score in July

In addition to Fourth of July sales, there are hidden discounts that pop up throughout the month. Here’s what to buy in July.

  • Smart home and tech items: Between Amazon Prime Day (which moved back to July this year) and July 4th, you’ll find a few smart home items listed at lower prices than usual.
  • Major appliances: If you missed out on Memorial Day sales, your next chance to find dryers, freezers and more on sale is around the week of the Fourth!
  • Summer clothing: A lot of deal websites recommend waiting until the end of the season to buy clothing. The exception? July! You’ll find that most clothing stores have Fourth of July sales with prices up to 70% off.

What to Shop for in August

The peak of summer has come to an end and August has arrived. Now, the focus is on back-to-school and clearing out all of those warm-weather items.

Best Time To Shop
  • Back-to-school supplies: If you have a kiddo going to school, snag those notebooks, pencils and calculators while sales are going on at large retailers. You’ll also find major discounts at places like Best Buy and Apple on laptops, headphones and more!
  • Small appliances: College kids are heading back to school which means you’ll find coffee makers, microwaves and other small appliances on sale.
  • Outdoor furniture and grills: Summer clearance sales mean you can score some great prices on outdoor furniture and entertaining essentials. But since football season is coming up (think tailgating parties!) you can still make use of these finds this year.

What to Buy in September

Another big shopping holiday lands in September and that’s Labor Day Weekend. Similar to Memorial Day Weekend, you can save on big appliances, mattresses, furniture and more.

  • iPhones: Why does Apple offer sales in September? They typically launch new products this month which means they slash prices on older models.
  • Coffee: National Coffee Day is a September favorite! So throughout the month, you’ll find deals in stores like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts, in addition to larger retailers like Target, Amazon and Walmart.
  • Big and small appliances: Major sale days always feature appliance deals, but these are the last ones you’ll see before the holiday season!

Deals to Score in October

Hello, October! And hello Halloween, Columbus Day, and deals on things for your entire home.

Best Time To Shop
  • Jeans: Trying to give your wardrobe a little makeover? Keep an eye out for deals on jeans. New inventory arrives in August and September, but if you can hold off for a bit, you’ll find some noteworthy discounts in October.
  • Outdoor furniture: People are packing up and moving their parties inside as the weather cools down. Keep an eye out for clearance deals and sales on patio finds.
  • New vehicles: According to some experts, the best time of the year to purchase a new car is in October. Automobile companies are starting to clear the lot for new models, so this is a deal you don’t want to miss.

What to Shop for in November

This may be the BIGGEST shopping month in the year. Just think about it… Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Veterans Day, holiday sales and more. But what to look for? Here are a few deals.

  • Electronics: All types of gadgets are discounted in November—helping you prep for the holidays. This can include smartphones, smartwatches (fitness watches), cameras and more.
  • General gifts: Toys, clothing and home goods will all be on sale during the Black Friday / Cyber Monday weekend. And these days, the sales sometimes last over a week!
  • Baking supplies: Tis the season for homemade treats! Retailers know you like to bake this time of the year, so many of them will lower prices on common ingredients and small kitchen appliances.

What to Buy in December

We’re nearing the end of the year, but there’s still time to snag some must-see deals! Pay close attention to after-Christmas sales… they’re sometimes better than Black Friday!

Best Time To Shop
  • Gift cards: It’s true. You can often find sales on gift cards! Just know that you typically won’t find these discounts in the stores you’re wanting a gift card for. Instead, look on Amazon and PayPal.
  • Holiday decor: I know this one doesn’t come as a surprise, but be sure to snag those Christmas decor items after the holiday is over!
  • Toys: When the rush of the holidays has come to a close, stores are prepping for the new year (they’ll be stocking up on fitness gear, bedding and other popular January items). So if you know someone with a birthday coming up, save some money now!

I hope you find this guide helpful!

From my home to yours,


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